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Understanding the Internet and world wide web

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Understanding the Internet (interconnected computer networks) is a global computer network that allows computers are interconnected and communicate between a computer or computer network / other network using telecommunications such as telephone lines, radio links, satellite and other telecommunications lines

Understanding the Internet according to the dictionary and the origin of the word

He fit the definition of Internet origin comes from the word means the Interconnection and inter net is Networking, taken together the language of the Internet is the interconnection networking that can be interpreted two or more computers interconnected to form a network of computers that can communicate and exchange information throughout the world without knowing the limits of territorial while the internet according to the dictionary definition that the Internet is a worldwide computer network that connects other computer networks, where Internet service allows end users to exchange data and information via the world wide web site archives
pengertian internet - pengertian world wide web
illustration image internet terms and understanding the world wide web
Understanding more about the internet that have been described above that the computer or network that can be interconnected require an internet address (Internet addresses) that are unique to each computer that is registered on the network information center that can be recognized and to ensure the uniqueness of its Internet address, Internet addresses can be represented into two types, namely by using the IP number and domain
In order that all computers connected together to communicate the necessary common language that is necessary for a protocol in which each computer should recognize the same protocol that has a set of rules used in communicating on the internet, here are several types of protocols known in the internet:
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol is used for exchanging files between Internet users
  • Telnet, the protocol used to connect to other computers in the internet
  • Gopher. This protocol is used to access the topics of information from servers that support the Gopher protocol.
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), this protocol is the basis of the World Wide Web, which can be used to access the information or documents from the server are written using the programming language HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Understanding of the world wide web (www)

After discussing further our understanding of the Internet will discuss the definition world wide web is an information system that manages the Internet by using a set of specific protocols. World wide web or commonly abbreviated as WWW was created in March 1989 when a group of researchers and experts intend to create a new protocol for information distribution on the internet.
The researchers then set a new standard which is the forerunner to the usual formation of a consortium known as W3C or World Wide Web Consortium is responsible for furthering the development of these standards. Under the auspices of the W3C is the experts and researchers successfully delivered yag programming language known as HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
*** I hope this article on understanding the Internet useful
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